AUCTION 21st June 2023
‘One Tree Bay West’ is a large land holding of 259ha (640 acres) on the beautiful South Coast, with tracks of waterfront land, fronting onto Swan Bay, One Tree Bay and Booroowungan Creek in the beautiful St Georges Basin.
With a dwelling DA approved to build a home with 2 ha of surrounding land cleared, this is a ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity to live and fish in beautiful Sussex Inlet and at the same time be surrounded by native flora and fauna.
The property has a biobank agreement registered on title which requires the owner to protect and improve the biodiversity value of the land. A generous annual maintenance payment is paid to the owner from the NSW Government to fund this process.
This really is an absolutely unique piece of real estate, the likes of which will not come around again for a very long time.
Land: 259ha 640acres
Title Details Lots 2 and 3 DP 1094024
Council Rates – $/year
Zoning C2 R5 and RU2
View by appointment, call Craig Pontey 0419 404 040